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品牌介绍:美国Warren Controls Inc.在阀门设计和制造领域已有50年的历史,位于美国新泽西,#初的产品是为暖通空调系统和轮船提供的Warren Controls调节阀,现在已拓展到商业,工业和军事领域应用。到2003年,Warren Controls阀门已拥有6万平方英尺的厂房,拥有四条生产线,生产出的建筑自动化Warren Controls控制阀,工业工艺Warren Controls阀门,为脱氧器和锅炉设计的Warren Controls液位控制阀,还有Warren Controls舰艇用阀被源源不断的供应到用户手中
经营产品:工业控制阀Warren Controls 气动阀门:
1800系列:Large Globe Control Valves up to ANSI 300 - 12" Size,commonly used for high pressure differentials, corrosive materials, liquids, gases, and steam. They are for modulating or on/off control
2800系列:NPT Threaded 1/2" - 2",features rugged bronze or stainless steel bodies with a variety of trim materials and port sizes. The equal percentage and ...
2900系列:ANSI 125/250 FLG, 2 1/2" - 10",features rugged cast iron bodies with a variety of trim materials. The equal percentages plugs in the 2-way valves and ...
3800系列:Rotary, up tp ANSI 300 FLG, 1" - 8",incorporates the time-tested and proven Eccentric-Segmented Ball design (E-Ball), combining exceptionally tight control and range-ability (100:1), with superior trim wear
5800系列:Thrd-FLG, ANSI 150/300, 1/2" - 4",features bolted bonnets and cage-retained seats in rugged high efficiency bodies of steel or stainless steel for ease of maintenance ...
Warren Controls电动阀门:
常用型号:Warren Controls HVAC1800
Warren Controls HVAC2800
Warren Controls HVAC2900
Warren Controls HVAC3800