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我公司是以yi托欧美生产工业用技术织物的厂家为原料供应,努力成为国内纳米滤布,滤网筛网,滤带 透气带,和空气除尘过滤技术解决方案的提供者。
我公司致力于三个业务领域:滤网&过滤布; 滤带;空气除尘过滤产品;主要用于固液过滤分离、筛分和传送行业、环保除尘行业。
Markert Inc™ screen and filter products include filter media, screening and sieving products created from synthetic, metallic, spiral and ceramic materials amongst others. Supported by in-house research and development capabilities and local technical support our products are designed to meet a wide variety of applications. We are proud to provide an extensive range of wet and dry filtration and screening products and fabrics to meet the needs of diverse industry sectors.
Associated Our’s Products 我们的产品
Compact Filter Elements 紧凑型过滤原件 CFE
Dust Filter Bags 除尘袋
Fluidized Bed Dryer Bags 流化床干燥带
Filter Press Fabrics 压滤机织物
Tower Press Belts 塔式压滤机滤带
Horizontal Vacuum Belts 水平真空带
Drum, Pan Disc Covers 转鼓、圆盘式
Twin Wire Press Belts 双纤维压滤带
Pressure Leaf Covers 叶式压力过滤机
Kelly Bags 凯利是滤袋
Candle Filter Bags 烛式滤袋
Centrifuge Liners 离心机内衬
Vessel Bags 容器袋
Screening Fabrics 筛选织物
Sifters& Connectors 筛机&连接器
Venturis & Gaskets 文丘里管&垫圈
Glass Fiber Matt 玻璃纤维马特
Cerafil Hot Gas 高温气体陶瓷过滤器
Cerafil XS XS-陶瓷过滤器
Cerafil Green 格林-陶瓷过滤器
Cerafil Topkat Topkat-陶瓷过滤器
Compact Filter Sleeves 紧凑型过滤袖套
Filter Cartridges 过滤筒
Test Sieves 测试标准筛
Industrial Fittings 工业配件
Filter Plates 滤板