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地址:广东佛山广东省佛山市顺德区容桂镇新地塘南街富康楼5号首层 |
名 称:弧面硬胶SY-333-1
特 征:止流效果好、高光泽、粘接力强、耐黄变、操作范围广
干燥时间:常温16小时 60℃2.5小时
Name: cambered surface hard glue SY-333-1
Feature: only effective flow, high gloss, the strong bonding, yellowing resistance, wide operating range
Scope: glass, ceramics, shoes flowers, lighting, frames, belt buckle, metal jewelry, and other products Dijiao Globoidal, painting
Mixing ratio: A3: B1 (weight ratio)
Drying time: 16 hours at room temperature 60 ℃ 2.5 hours